Tracy Schroeder

Tracy Schroeder

Tracy Schroeder
    Owner of Power Equipment Leasing Company, Retired

    Brookfield, IL




      Tracy & his brother Steve owned Power Equipment Leasing Company (PELCO) since 1992 after acquiring it from their father. Tracy actually started with PELCO in late 1985 working as their only mechanic and eventually held a variety of positions prior to becoming an owner. After acquiring the company Tracy led PELCO’s equipment sales. Tracy also sat on and led many ANSI standard committees, which draft and adopt the industry standards for all aerial lift trucks and digger derricks. Tracy’s business and industry experience provides valuable counsel to USSI.

      Tracy earned his BA degree from Northeast Missouri State University (now named Truman State) in 1982 with minors in history and psychology. While at NMSU he was a member of Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity and held the office as president of the chapter for one term. He was also on the NMSU club soccer team.

      Tracy and his wife, Marcia, reside in Brookfield, IL.